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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Time to catch up

Let's see what we've been up to in the last couple of weeks.
I'll work backwards - attempted to buy bedding plants and hanging baskets. No baskets and a few plants for the deck planters. Bacopa, pansies, geraniums, begonias and assorted other little odds and ends. 1 heliotrope turned into 4 - oh well the yard will smell lovely. Must get my forsythia, pussywillow and jasmine into the ground this year. No more fooling around! I think I will invest in some sort of sitting device for gardening - still hobbling on crutches and am hesitant to bend, twist, squat, reach, turn and all the other basic moves one does when gardening. bah.
Learned of the hotelier this morning who put a nest of Canada Geese eggs into the trash compactor. That pretty much set the tone for the whole day. Can you spell RUINED!.
I've written a letter to Environment Canada.
A friend called me from Cancun and was going to buy me a HardRock Cafe pin for my collection. They didn't have the classic ones and I like to be the purchaser - it is all about me being in the location. The thought was truly lovely.
Been attached to my computer most of the weekend. I'm late with my tax prep. oh well. One batch down and one to go. The difficult one. Me.
We saw the Daniel Lapp quartet on Wednesday at the Gateway Theatre - fabulous musicians. Too bad the Richmond Concert Association has lost their funding - I may go to their AGM and volunteer for either the publicist or fundraising position. Am I nuts? Could be. I'm not promising anything - would be fun for me. I have time yet to make up my mind.
On Mothers Day we went to the Eagles concert. The Eagles Assisted Living Tour - is what they called it on stage. We laughed - it was perfect. The songs just never stopped coming.
Before the concert we were driving back from Whistler (yes again) This time we sat in on an author lecture featuring Lawrence Hill - "The Book of Negroes" They are going to make a movie of it. He is working with someone on the screenplay right now. He was very nice, signed my copy and I bought 3 more of his older books. The new one about the Iraqi war was not there that night. Too bad - I'll have to get it somewhere else. I'll bet it will be interesting. I do like the way he writes.

So it will be a busy week ahead - I have to prep for a birthday dinner for my son. I'm going to make the Halekulani Coconut Cake for desert and I think I'll take a stab at that citrus salmon again. It was truly yummy; and bbq chicken for the man who doesn't like salmon. What is this? A freakin' restaurant? Do I have this kind of time to devote to a little of this and little of that and some for me and repeat?! No, but I do it. Silly me. Cause that is what I do. I wish I could take a day off for this. Busy time for the scientists so that is a no go.
Well look at the time - I've promised banana choc-chip muffins so I better get to it.

All caught up? Good enough for now! You're welcome!

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